10 Vegetables you can buy once and regrow forever in your home garden

10 Vegetables you can buy once and regrow forever in your home garden

10 Vegetables names

There is some vegetables that you can eat directly from your garden. This will be very healthy and hygienic. Buying vegetables you can eat then regrow is the ultimate in green food behavior. It's a great practice that is worthy in many ways. Here are some eats and regrow type of vegetables:-

10 Vegetables

1. Celery
Celery is one of the easiest foods to grow from leftover scraps. Just cut off the bottom or base of your celery and lay it in a bowl with just a bit of warm water in the bottom. Keep the bowl in direct sunlight as long as possible each day and after about a week, you will begin to see the leaves thickening and growing along the base. When this happens, you can transplant your celery in soil and wait for it to grow to full length.

2. Ginger

Like onions, ginger root can be planted in soil to regrow, but the process is a lot more lengthy. It can take a few months for it to sprout, and you should be able to harvest a fully grown bulb in 8 to 10 months.

3.  Cilantro

Cilantro can grow roots if the stems are placed in a glass of water. Once the roots are long enough, just plant them in a pot. In a few weeks, new sprigs will be starting, and in a few months, you will have a full plant.
4. Potatoes

Everyone knows that potatoes can be grown from potato peelings. You need peelings that have eyes on them. Cut those peelings into two-inch pieces, ensuring that there are at least two or three eyes on each piece. Allow them to dry out overnight and then simply plant them about four inches deep in your soil. Make sure that the eyes are facing up when planting. It will take a few weeks before you see the potato plant begin to grow.

 5. Carrot Greens
Carrot Greens
 When you are next cutting up vegetables, remember that carrot tops are just one of the vegetables you can eat then regrow. Chop the top off and place it in a dish with a touch of water. As long as you put the dish into some sunlight, you will grow tasty and healthy carrot greens.
6.  Bok Choy
Bok Choy
 Bok Choy is very simple to regrow. All you need to do is place the root of the vegetable into some water for a couple of weeks. After two weeks or so, take the plant out and put it into some soil to grow a full new head! You can effectively have never-ending Bok Choy with this simple tip.

7. Mushrooms
 Remove the head and eat it, then plant the stalk in some soil and put it into a cool, damp environment. You might not have success at first, as they can be a bit of a pain to grow, but you should find that at least a few of your stalks have sprouted new mushroom heads.

8. Tomatoes


Tomatoes can be grown just by saving those seeds that you probably throw out anyway. You just have to rinse the seeds and allow them to dry. Plant in a good, rich potting soil until you notice growth coming in. Allow the seeds to get a few inches high before transplanting them outdoors. During cold weather, you can grow your tomatoes indoors. Just remember to keep them in an area that gets plenty of sunlight and water a few times each week.

9.  Gram Plant
Gram Plant
 Gram plant anyone can easily grow in own garden or even in the room. It is a green vegetable and they did not want much sunlight
to grow. that's why you can grow Gram at home.

10. Lauki /calabash
Lauki /calabash
 A calabash, bottle gourd, or white-flowered gourd, Lagenaria siceraria, also known by many other names, including Lauki, long melon, New Guinea bean and Tasmania bean, is a vine grown for its fruit, which can be either harvested young to be consumed as a vegetable. Anyone can grow it's in his garden.

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